Cloud business solutions
A vast majority of businesses are seriously considering to opt for cloud business solutions due to its immense potential and the cost-savings associated with it.
Cloud business solutions incorporate the agility of a client-server while challenging the conventional economics of IT. With Cloud-based IT solutions, organizations can deliver highly efficient, cost-effective computing resource to its customers, typically in a highly transparent way.
In layman's language, cloud business solutions have a 'front end' and 'back end' process. The front end of the cloud IT solution is typically a web browser, mobile device, or probably a terminal serqToday many organizations are shifting to the cloud to expand their computing resources. Cloud-based IT solutions offer an entirely new business model with its own set of value propositions including application scalability, improved economies of scale, reduced costs, resource efficiencies, resource elasticity/flexibility, faster deployment times, value-based pricing model, disaster recovery and on-demand infrastructure.
Cloud vs. Traditional Computing Models
With cloud-based business solutions, users can access a broad range of computing resources without the need for them to understand, protect or maintain those systems. Moreover, these services can be enabled and deployed much faster than traditional IT. Instead of spending money on buying physical servers in-house, organizations can save big on data storage space by opting for cloud-based solutions.
Data and applications hosted in the cloud get evenly distributed across all the servers. Hence, even if one server fails, there is no data loss and downtime. With cloud solutions, organizations can also enjoy more storage space and server resources, including better computing power. Unlike cloud, traditional IT systems have limited capacity and are susceptible to downtime. It can severely hinder workplace productivity.
Choosing an IT model for your business is a crucial decision. Every organization needs a safe and secure storage space with easily accessible data and low running costs. If you�re thinking of migrating your data from traditional IT infrastructure to a cloud based platforms, choose NuMSP. NuMSP offers,
- Asset Management (hardware/software/licenses/passwords/subscriptions)
- Monitoring & Alerting (9AM-6PM)
- Patch Management / Windows Update
- Anti-Virus (Comodo)
- Account Management (Encrypted password list/subscriptions)
- Hardware/Software Purchasing
- Technical Audits and Quarterly Business Reviews
- Proactive Business/ Technology Planning
Apart from this, you can also get additional proactive solutions with NuMSP. Switch to NuMSP today and reduce your IT costs, mobilize your workforce, consolidate and streamline end user experience.